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A gingival (gum) graft is a common procedure that alleviates issues related to gum recession.

What is gum recession?

If you have an overly “toothy” smile or your teeth are experiencing an increased sensitivity to hot or cold, gum recession may be to blame. Deep cleaning and modified home care is often sufficient for patients with minor gum recession. But for those with more advanced gum recession, gum grafting may be necessary to repair the damage and provide relief and protection against the oral health problems gum recession can cause.

When gum recession occurs, the protective layer of gum tissue over the tooth is lost, leaving the root exposed and vulnerable to bacteria, irritation, and decay. Gum recession can develop over time due to factors such as gum disease, genetics, illness, smoking, teeth grinding, and aggressive brushing. Left untreated, gum recession can lead to root caries, root gouging, and tooth loss.

Gum Grafting Gum Grafting

What are gum grafts?

Gum grafts are composed of thin tissue taken from the roof of the patient’s mouth. Alternatively, a safe regenerative donor tissue called AlloDerm can be used. The graft is placed over the exposed root and attached to existing gum tissue, resulting in an increase of gum tissue around the teeth.

Gum grafting can halt gum recession, repair the affected areas, reduce tooth sensitivity to hot and cold, and provide protection from further damage to the tissue, teeth, and bone. Gum grafts can also create a more even gum line, which is a solution for patients who are sensitive about the appearance of their smile due to receded gums.

To book an appointment or learn more about our team approach to patient care, please contact us at our Fayetteville office.

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The information presented here is not intended or implied to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It should be used for informational purposes only.