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Understanding the Connection Between Physical Therapy & The Dental World: Breakthrough Physical Therapy

Event type: Live Lecture

Date: September 26, 2023
Speaker: Lucas Simoes, DPT


  • Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Studio 215

CE Credits:
2 hours

Understanding the Connection Between Physical Therapy & The Dental World: Breakthrough Physical Therapy

Event type: Live Lecture

Date: September 26, 2023
Speaker: Lucas Simoes, DPT


  • Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Studio 215

CE Credits:
2 hours


During our TMJ presentation, we are going to focus mostly on the function of TMJ, how physical therapy can work on identifying the dysfunction, postural involvement in dysfunctions. We will then move into soft tissue contractile tissue vs intra-articular problems, OA and techniques involved in decreasing symptoms, improvement of ROM, and functional, strengthening retraining as well as use of appliances and food intake adaptation to assist in and allow patients to resume functional use of jaw, mouth, and education.

Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to:

  • Further understand the rationale and thought process physical therapists put into diagnosing dysfunction.
  • Learn and understand how physical therapists work with TMJ-orofacial patients.
  • Understand how physical therapists educate and work with patients for long term gains.

Please note: Study Club events are only open to Central Carolina Dental Continuum members.
To join the CCDC, register online or contact Study Club Coordinator, Sarah Burrier, at sarahburrier@sandhillsoms.com.

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Complete this form, or call us at 910.483.9216.

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Here at Sandhills Oral Surgery, Periodontics & Dental Implant Specialists, we work diligently to protect our patient's rights and privacy. Requesting an appointment via our Internet portal is considered part of what HIPAA has identified as electronically protected information (ePHI). Unfortunately, despite the best efforts we make or take, there are people or entities that may attempt to intercept the data you transmit to us. By checking the box, and electronically making an appointment, you understand that you are making an appointment over the internet and that Sandhills Oral Surgery, Periodontics & Dental Implant Specialists will keep this information confidential but cannot guarantee that others, outside of our practice, may not illegally intercept this communication. As a result of continuing, you are sending this transmission and accepting the inherent risk(s) associated with making this request for an appointment. As an alternative, you are always welcome to contact our office via telephone to schedule your appointment.


The information presented here is not intended or implied to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It should be used for informational purposes only.